Je kan geen duikverhalen vertellen zonder een ode te brengen aan Team Zissou. Diep in mijn hart was ik natuurlijk het liefst met Steve Zissou meegegaan op avontuur, maar hij heeft me nooit een red cap en een speedo gestuurd (of ik heb ze nooit mogen ontvangen).
Let me tell you about my boat. "The Belafonte" was a long-range sub hunter during the Second World War, which we bought from the U.S. Navy for $900,000. The sauna was designed by an engineer from the Chinese space program and we keep a Swedish masseuse on staff. We have a lab for scientific research and experiments. Our kitchen contains probably some of the most technologically advanced equipment on the ship. Eleanor- my wife- put together a top-notch research library for us with a complete first-edition set of The Life Aquatic companion series. We process our own rushes, and keep a cutting room onboard so we can do an assembly while shooting. Built at the bottom is an observation bubble-which I thought up in a dream, actually. The engine room has some problems with the bearing casings, but we can't afford to fix them this year. Topside we've got the bridge,the minisub, an old chopper, and all kinds of radar and sonar and underwater movie gadgets.
Two albino scouts swim with the ship. They're supposedly very intelligent... although I've never seen any evidence of it.
I've made my life on the sea. I've done things no one else has done and have lived a very unique life. Despite any hardships I've gone through, I wouldn't trade my life for anybody's. Admittedly I can be a showboat and a little bit of a prick.
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)
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